Welcome to the Andromidas (Ανδρομιδάς) Website
Do you or someone you know have the surname Andromidas or Andromedas?
Some family members have even shortened it to Andrews or Andreo.
This website is for all of us!
With our roots in Yeraka (Ieraka), Greece, many generations of the Andromidas family are now living around the world. This website was created for EVERYONE WITH THE ANDROMIDAS SURNAME to locate our ancestors, find new relatives and connect with family members.
Why are there two different spellings
of our surname?
It depends upon how the Greek letter Iota (ι), the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, was translated into English.
Although it looks like the letter "i" in English, it's pronounced like a long "e" in Greek.
There are over 1000 family members in our family tree and more than 300 have the surname Andromidas, Andromedas or a shortened version of the surname.
We have over 9 generations of the Andromidas family and hope to add more with the help of your updates.
This website and the family tree enable us to document our family history so it will be saved for future generations.
Without the help of family members such as yourself, these websites would not exist. Our family will continue to change... new family members will be born, marriages will bring new family members and we will also lose loved ones, so please continue to share these events.
Please consider a financial contribution to offset the annual cost of over $600 to build and maintain the Andromidas and Family Tree websites, and to subscribe to genealogy sites including Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Newspapers.com, which are invaluable for our ongoing research.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.